I wake up, as happy as a seven year old in a private, Catholic school surrounded by judgemental, hypocritical, heinous people of all ages can be. I'm reminded it's a dress down day! I don't have to put on the ugly uniform! I'm more excited than ever as I get dressed in tiny, hipless jeans and happily add the accessory that proves i've always been stylish: One of those beaded fishnet-ish looking waist wrap tie things. I loved it, and I wore it because I was awesome. I get to school --and after a blank in my memory--I go to the computer lab with my class (which must have been first thing in the morning) and immediately get attacked by a mini-real housewife. "You look like a whore!" She exclaims in a whisper, dirty blonde hair straight as a pin. "Are you trying to steal my boyfriend? You are, aren't you!?" Bitchily Corridor (unclever play on her name--I can't say it! I mean, what if she finds this blog! Could you IMAGINE the horror? Is my SARCASM thick, enough? It's hard to tell online. I'm obnoxious.) continues, taking in my "Shakira"-esque wrap. After that I can't remember a thing other than her storming away in a huff. I don't remember how I reacted. I know I didn't take it off, so I must've just laughed or been utterly confused. I'm still confused. What the hell? I mean, yes, I did have a small, second grad crush on the guy who she talked to in class and who gave her a teddy bear on Valentine's Day--her "boyfriend"--but how would I plan on stealing him away with my use of accessories? Mm, that school was a crazy experience.
I wore that wrap again today, though, which is why this lovely memory came back to me. It was actually someone at school today that called me Shakira because of the piece...I guess it could look something like she'd wear. At least I always wear pants underneath! He didn't mean it as an insult, though. I think he likes Shakira! I actually spent a while looking at pictures of her to see if I could find one of her in something similar, but I couldn't. I didn't want to show one that kind of resembled it, but was sluttier. It isn't a slutty waist wrap! I wouldn't want anyone here to get the wrong idea.
Today has been a really good day. I'm not exactly sure why; it just has a good feel to it.
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