Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Cece in the hood
Monday, September 5, 2011
Damn, I know how to party.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
BEDA Day 21: Sloppy Firsts? More like, Super-Mega-Foxy-Awesome-Hot Firsts.
I first heard about this book series by Megan McCafferty from Hayley's blog, back in 2009. It was just before Perfect Fifth's release so I devoured the entire series, and had my best friend's hooked as well, within weeks. It was love at first chapter, I swear. In no time at all my mother was sick of my ranting and raving about how amazing the writing was. But, mom! It really feels like the diary entry of a teenage girl! That's so cool! I have multiple distinct memories of being in public places, surrounded by friends, reading Charmed Thirds and laughing out loud.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
BEDA Day 18 for real because yesterday was day 17.
BEDA Day 18: I'm a piece of bread! Stick me in a toaster!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
BEDA Day 13: The blog that was on fire
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
BEDA Day Eight: I'm not very good at throwing in change. Or catching it. Pretty much just picking it up off the floor.
Why is it so difficult to be nice? Why can't people just help each other as human beings? All of this shit seriously needs to stop. I don't know what to do about it, but something good needs to be done. That's the mob-mentality, though, isn't it? Once they get the violence down in one area, another area goes up into flames. All of the people that I know of over there aren't in any of the targeted areas, but I can't even imagine the worry and concern of everyone there and here.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
How to be a super lazy person.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
A look into the diaries and notebooks of Cece.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I got tagged! (That's the c00l way to title these things, right?)
Victoria ( was nominated for a blogging award that she so deserves, and after listing 7 random facts about her, she tagged me to do the same! So here it goes.
1. I never really grew out of that little kid watch-the-same-movie-over-and-over-and-over thing. If I really like a movie, I could watch it all day.
2. Most of the things that come out of my mouth are a reference to something.
3. I could literally eat nine Chipotle burritos every day.
4. I'm one of those people you see in class nodding their head around and mouthing the words of the song they're listening to on their ipods. Yeah, that's me.
5. I want to travel the world more than anything else.
6. In the shower I mostly sing Rent songs, which I got into at the age of, like, 12 because my friends discovered La Vie Boheme and we would sit around and giggle at the dirty words. (That's like, two things about me in one!)
7. Learning new things is something I genuinely love, but school has become something I loathe. Isn't that sad?
Am I supposed to also tag people? Well, whatever, I am. I tag:
Freya, FreyaFlobster's Funky Thoughts
Hannah Marie, Scarlett Sparks
Jen in the Purple Pants
Nicole, The Assorted Thoughts of a Scatter-Brain
Lex, The Lexical Gap
Bridget Kelly, Engima No More
Saturday, April 30, 2011
It's the last official day of BEDA and yet I still say nothing and post a lot of pictures.

I shouldn't even be blogging now, but with all the work I have to do that's due on Monday, how could I resist putting it off even longer? That's the excuse i'm using for why I didn't blog the past two days, school work. Lots of it. It's the last month of school, I figure it's about time to put forth some real effort. And there goes my real effort into writing comments on friends' pictures and writing one line at a time in my story; which, around naps ranging from 10 to 45 minutes in length, has taken up my entire day.
The major assignment is for Biology and I have to do a sort of mock-interview with a Bacteria, a Protist, a Virus, a Fungi, and a Plant. I have to come up with 10 questions, of course 10 answers, and I have to film it. Well, I don't have to film it, but i'd really like to. That way I wouldn't have to get up in front of class to present, i'd just play the video. The only thing I will have to do either way is convince someone to help me out and play the various parts of interviewees. Something that's proving to be quite difficult.
That picture up there is of the dye that's still on my hands, they looked a lot brighter in different shades of colour yesterday and the day before, but it's all coming off quite quickly. Around my fingernails is the place I think it'll last the longest. It's from tie-dyeing in an art class i'm taking. Plastic gloves? Ha! I laugh in the face of plastic gloves. The metaphorical face of plastic gloves...yeah. I think it's prettier this way :)
I've got a pink bunny floating in my coffee now. It's amazing how fast boxes of Peeps can go when you can put them in your coffee and have an easily manipulated mother who's only two big brown eyes away from feeding one or two to the dog.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Today was a beautiful, amazing, spectacular day. (No, that's not sarcasm you detect.)
My day was genuinely good, but the real excitement kicked in around 5 in the evening when I paused the movie I was watching (Suburban Girl with Sarah Michelle Gellar and Alec Baldwin. It was's still on pause) to watch a video someone posted on Tumblr. It was one of those overall Harry Potter videos set to a sad, completely fitting song that makes you want to cry. And, oh boy, did I cry. I was balling my eyes out by 20 seconds into the video and continued to do so in my bed even after the 4 and a half minutes were up. It was such a beautiful video, and I haven't really cried in a long time, and I love Harry Potter so much...I just couldn't help myself. My mom calls up to make sure i'm OK and I explain that i'm just being emotional over HP again and i'll probably be down again in an hour.
Wrong. I didn't go back downstairs for another two hours when my laptop was practically screaming for it's charger and I was literally screaming about everything else. It was after that moment I talked to my mom, while I was casually scrolling through my dashboard, when I say the words "OMFG THAT TRAILER" above a bunch of Harry Potter gifs i'd never seen before...
Now, I'm not good at math by any means, but I can definitely add two and two together and know that the answer means it's time to flip a shit. (FOR POSSIBLY ONE OF THE LAST TIMES OMG I'M STILL NOT OK ASKHFDSJKHGFDJKH.) I searched and flailed until I found it and said flailing couldn't be stopped until maybe 10 minutes ago. It was originally in French, but I couldn't've cared less, though of course brilliant people have now found and released the English version as well.
I don't know how many times i've watched it tonight, but...I just can't get over this whole fandom. I'm always in love with Harry Potter and everyone who loves it/him, but there are these times when I just get these happy butterflies in my chest and I just know they're your fault, you bitches. <3
I'm gonna go finish writing in the margins of my vocabulary book how each of the words relate to HP in an exercise to help memorize them and hopefully get a few more laughs out of myself.
Yay it's almost May! I'm excited for so many reasons!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Huckleberry Finn and friends
Name: Cecilia, Cece, Celia, i'll occasionally answer to "Hey you!" under the circumstances.
Favorite Fandom: Harry Potter! Doctor Who's a close second.
Favorite Ship: ...Hermione/Ron. Rose/Nine & Ten. Jim/Pam. I could literally go on and on. They're all my favourite!
Favorite Color: Orange.
Favorite Movie: Easy A, as of right now. Blades of Glory. Inception. I have a lot of favourites.
Where you live: Ohio.
Favorite Book: I'm re-reading the Jessica Darling series and I LOVE it. So, that and Harry Potter. I recently bought Twenty Boy Summer, too, that was really good and made me cry.
Clothing Store: Um...I have no idea. Most clothes recently have been bought online or in a thrift store. I do like some American Eagle cute things.
Favorite Band: Flight of the Conchords and Mindless Self Indulgence.
Favorite Artist: Is it lame to same Van Gogh or Monet? I went to an online famous artists gallery and the pictures I liked the most were by them.
Favorite Food: Chipotle and basically anything mexican or fake mexican.
Favorite T.V. Show: Doctor Who, Arrested Development, Gilmore Girls.
If you're reading this, leave a comment and answer the questions, too! I found it as a 'let's make friends' sort of thing, so, let's make friends. :)